Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My daughter's designer streak

I had bought these set of two paintings which I decided to put up on my bathroom walls... in a corner where water spray does not reach. But little did i realise that my maid will give them a shower every week, while cleaning the tiles.

So, the beautiful paintings turned to spotted paintings :(

I decided to do away with them, till my three-year old daughter took one of them and placed it on the knob  of my dressing stool, and I simply loved the effect. Take a look.

And yes! am mighty proud that she's got the same streak as I :)  And this and another painting (not shown here) have not been junked :)


Pretty Woman said...

the lil genius has BIG ideas....I love how every part of your home is shaping up beautifully! :) Gorgeous!

Srija Padmnanabhan (Chickoo) said...

Muah! Love the lovely words you always have to say about my home. peps me up no end

Emreen said...

Wow... !! The painting looks perfect on the stool....

Rama Ananth said...

I really like the idea of your daughter, imagine she is just 3 years old, really cute of her to come up with the idea like this.

Srija Padmnanabhan (Chickoo) said...

Thanks, Emreen.

Srija Padmnanabhan (Chickoo) said...

Rama, am mighty happy my daughter could even think on those lines :)