Tuesday, June 21, 2011


My b’day is a good two weeks away, but my friend Janani already started to make me feel SPECIAL. This friend of mine is across seven seas. She stays in Paris and we catch up with each other over chats, almost every day. Yesterday she pinged me and as usual we exchanged our girlie talks and then I shared an online shopping site URL with her. After raving about the site, the next ping I get from her read like this – “Choose something you like and let me know. Let me buy you a birthday gift. Pretty Please!”  The gesture took me by surprise. After initial refusals from my side and coaxing from her end I zeroed in on a pair of jhumkis. I let her know my choice and was just about coming back to normalcy from my super elated state when she pinged – “Ok… appram, what else venum birthday baby kku?” (what else does the birthday baby want?)
 I was like WHAT? I told her the same. She insisted that I choose something else too from the site in addition to the pair of jhumkis I already selected.  I was rattled. Nobody pampered me so and told her that. She still insisted that I choose one more. I tried to convince her saying “Podum da” (enough) to which she pinged back “You mentioned you liked their natural soaps, right?” and promptly went ahead and selected a chocolate soap. The gifts may be reaching me in a day or two. But what left a lasting impression on my heart are the gesture and the effort on her part to make me feel that am one of a kind – Special. I will cherish it for a long time.
Thanks babes.
 PS: I will soon post the pictures of the gifts.


Pretty Woman said...


You are such a wonderful, giving person full of love and an amazing friend! You deserve all the pampering! The gift costs a lil price, but your happiness is PRICELESS! :)

Srija Padmnanabhan (Chickoo) said...

Muah for the lovely words. But you sure waved the magic wand.

Rama Ananth said...

Hello, Pretty Woman, will you accept me as your dearest friend?
Where have you put up the pics. pf the gifts?